Be a member, get involved

We have a number of membership tiers that gives everyone a chance to enjoy, support and be in engaged in the High Coast International Hub's mission. 

Join the community

Welcome to the Club! With this tier you'll get all the invites, all the information about our activities and the chance to meet new friends. There will be donation requests as certain events and acvities. 

Cost: Free of charge, donation at events

Annual Members

Annual members get all the information, invites and participate in activities like members, but as part of their annual membership fee, don't have to pay requested donations. Plus they get special annual member privilages and benefits. 

Cost: SEK 150 per annum

Corporate Members

Corporate members can help their commitment to their international employees by taking out a corporate package which gives their employees annual membership status. This package also has additional collaborations and bespoke activities for their organisation. This is an excellent CSR initiative for any company.

Cost: Upon request